
Growing people and plants

Looking after your Wellbeing

All staff at Solstice are available to support participants with their Wellbeing and any issues that arise for them.  You can talk to any of the staff at any time and you can ask for time to discuss any concerns or plans as you need.

Everyone is offered their own personalised Recovery Star Review - see “Recovery Star”

On Tuesday and Wednesday we start the day with a 15 minute Mindfulness session.  This includes a short meditation and some gentle Mindful movements to get us set up for the day.

There is also information and discussion around “Positive Steps to Wellbeing” (  We are working through the topics, with the overarching theme of ‘Be kind to yourself’ built into every Mindfulness session.


Positive Steps to Wellbeing

Be kind to yourself

Exercise regularly

Hobbies/new skill

Have fun / be creative

Help others

Rest and relaxation

Eat healthily

Balance sleep 

Connect with others

Beware alcohol / drugs

See the bigger picture

It is as it is 


Individual support for your Wellbeing is available as required